Week 2 of the quarter! 

Some of my notes  I took for the readings!

Started the week with two readings about  Annotated Portfolios. One was  “The Logic of Annotated Portfolios“ by John Bowers  and  the other was “Annotated Portfolios” by Bill Gaver and John Bowers . Both readings explained the importance of Annotated Portfolios when doing RTD. From my understanding of both readings, Annotated Portfolios is an important aspect in design as it communicate design thinking in HCI in a descriptive yet generative and inspirational fashion, without having recourse to standards of 'theories'. In addition Annotated portfolios are a way of

organising what can be learned from design in terms of annotations which formulate and highlight features of interest in a portfolio … Annotations are characterised as indexically connected to artefacts, while connoting topics of broader interest” [p. 76].

On Monday's class, we discussed both readings and got some clarifications. Then we were divided into small groups to fill out the rubric. While we were trying to fill out the rubric with descriptive statements, I was called for an individual meeting with my professor (Dr.Fox). At first I didn't know what's the meeting for as I was one of the  first to meet him.  He asked me couple of questions about my last year experience in IMD . Then started talking about the problems i am interested to work in. I just had one problem "WAR" (which is taking my mind). This problem is effecting me in person and thats why i am interested in. I am writing this blog today October 8,2016 and more then 180 people were killed today in a airstrike . It's such a tragedy that media is not covering this news . I started feeling there is a certain lives matters  but poor people like Yemeni's no one cares about their lives. Relating this to the technology Dr.Fox suggested is an interactive website that can show places and victims of the war. He actually showed me two of the examples to keep in mind. The meeting was helpful as I got chance to think more about my ideas. 

On Tuesday, I was delighted to show my professor my portfolio and got some of his helpful feedbacks. over the summer, I have recreated my portfolio according to his feedback. Returning now and showing him my new version was a great chance to improve my portfolio. Doing this outside the class work seems to be hard but after reading this week reading, I got to know that portfolios are important for designers. I need to work more in this as its going to show me and others what type of designer I am. I am so thankful for my professor for his time and feedbacks!

On Wednesday , the reading "Immodest Proposals: Research Through Design and Knowledge" was due.It shows how Knowledge is embodied in the design were the interpretation is left to the audience.

“Stands outside the artifact at the same time as standing within it.” [p.2].

 After discussing  the reading in class, I started sketching my problem as you can see below. I tried to capture the aspects of war and on the second sketch I drew the map and the war crimes. 

Sketch of the problem!

After sketching the problem, I started thinking of "what could be the potential solutions and what technology to use?" These two questions were confusing me. I started sketching some of my solutions.  

Solution one: Interactive website 

I am thinking of creating a website that shows the hidden news (which media don't cover it). where people can post videos and news about their current situation. It will pull all the social media news as currently social media is the only way I could get the news.  


Solution Two:Interactive rocket 

I'm thinking of having an interactive rocket that shows the crimes . while the object will look like a rocket with an interactive screen. 


Solution Three: VR 

This was my first idea , I want to create a VR that shows how a person feel in a war situation. This might be hard to do as I dont have any experience in VR !



My solutions are still  vague and I'm not sure what to do?? 

On Thursday, I started reading The Interaction Design Research Triangle . while I was reading it , I got to know it was cancelled. Although this was not due in class, it was helpful for me if I want to be an interaction designer. The last day of the week Friday, we discussed the rubric for annotated portfolio then continued  thinking and researching problem/solution.