Germany website is my first website experience during my undergraduate. I build this using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Founder, Designer
As this was my first web design/development project, I had to learn by myself most of the coding languages. I had to search the internet for inspirations. Basically, if I want to learn something I had to try it (LEARNING BY DOING!). This project made me learn web languages and search for other languages that makes a dynamic and interactive website.
I learned how to
- Conversant on technologies used on building interactive Web media applications
- Describe and use standard formats for structuring and presenting Web content
- Control layouts of interactive Web applications
- Apply basic programming constructs such as functions, data types and variables, conditions and loops using a scripting language
- Build simple interactive media projects that incorporate programming, content, multimedia assets and presentation.
The purpose of this project (website) is to inform those who are interested in traveling to Germany and give the audience a greater understanding about the Germanic cities and their culture. Visitors can easily learn aboutthe various aspects of German through this website, such as Location, language and etc. The website will give a description of its cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Heidelberg, the history of each city, and the activities that can be found there such as City Tours/Events. There will also be photos of Germany and its cities, the food, and different landmarks around Germany. It will highlight the best of the German culture. This website will be for those interested in traveling to Europe in a hope to draw them to visit Germany. It will give those travelers a shortcut in finding the most popular travel attractions in Germany. There will be pages telling them and describing the food . our website will allow tourists access with information as this website will supply customers with more information about various aspects of Germany and its cities.Tourist will check out this website for an overview of German culture, food, drink, and living traditions. As a result this website will increase the volume of tourists in Germany and will communicate the diverse appeal of the country of Germany to a worldwide market, thereby promoting a strong and attractive aspects of German and their international culture
The audience that this website is built for are those who want to travel but are looking for a fun and new place to go. These people would be open to trying and going somewhere new but want to know all about the country's history and attractions before booking their plane tickets and hotel rooms. Another audience might be those who are interested in traveling to Germany and want to know more about the country itself. We will characterizes this website considering what the target audience is. They are the local and international audiences around the world. If we specified the audience by age they are adults that are above 15 years old. And there is no specific gender for this website. They could be single, married or have families. Everything about the website will be designed to keep these people interested when first looking at the site and to keep them coming back.
Website information
The information that the people who will be visiting our website is information like the background of Germany. They will also be looking for information such as the language of Germany and where it came from, the location of Germany and how the land is unique through each of its cities. Also they may be interested in the landmarks that Germany has and the history of these. Other information may include the population of Germany and interesting facts about it. Also, to try and understand the German people, they may be looking for the culture of Germany and what makes it unique from other cultures. Some key motivations from our users are may be to more fully understand Germany if they have been thinking of going there for some time.
unique & creative?
Our website is unique through the information it provides and the aesthetic. The information on our website is different then most, it give minimal but interesting and important information on each aspect of Germany. In each page of overview, location, population, landmark, and culture there are a couple of facts that are informant and pertinent information, there are not giant’s boxes of text that users find on other websites. All of the information that we provide in our pages are simple and easy to read and interesting to know.
Hierarchy design of our contents using site-map
Visual organization of our contents using wireframe
We feel especially proud of about your project's implementation:
What we feel especially proud of in our websites implements is the JavaScript, the navigation bar, the organization and the aesthetic. We are proud of the JavaScript on the home page because it is an interesting feature for visitors. Its eye catching and interesting as it takes the visitor around Germany. We are also proud of the navigation bar because it is on all pages so the user does not have to go back to the home pages to be able to go the other places in our website. Another thing we are proud of in our website is the organization. All of the pages are nice and clean, and have a flow about them. The pages are not crowed and confusing, they are simple and allow the visitor to have a easy time learning about Germany and what it has to offer. The last thing we are pound of in this website is the aesthetic. Each page gives the user a visual feel for Germany as the light background how dark text surrounded by a grey box. Each pages keep the feel of our website light and cool. All of the pages also all flow together in the same theme, but are subtly different.
A description of our Websites limitations and the possibilities for improvements:
The limitations of our website is that it only gives the user information on Germany. While this is the point of our website, a possibility fro improvement for our website is the add in restaurants from Germany and have their contact information, and maybe link their site into ours. Another way to improve the website is to add in the Airlines website to make it easier for those intrigued enough to want to book a flight then and there. Also we could add in a place for websites for hotels in Germany where the person who is interested in going to Germany also visit and see the different accommodations that Germany provides in ach of its cities.