Week 8

We started this week by completing last week work. On Monday, we finalized our Questionnaire Analysis. In class on Tuesday we presented our Questionnaire Analysis; we presented our outcomes from the analysis. We got some of the feedback on what should we work on next.After the presentation, we started working on defining the problems within our users. Through our research phase that includes culture probes, interviews and Questionnaire, we were able to confirm some of the common problems within our user group. We started looking over our research and write down the important problems we could see. The common issue we drew were the miscommunication within the group and members were unable to make it to the meetings. We thought about how we could solve this problem or even help in solving it. Well, we had some of the ideas we thought about while analyzing the interviews and Questionnaires. We thought about a prototype of an app that will help them spreading the announcement within the group and a function that will track who attended the meetings as the officer need to do that.

Our group decided to continue brainstorming some of the solutions for our user group and how this app help in solving their issue. On Wednesday , I read “User Journey Maps”, “Storyboards” and “Image Boards” as it was due on Thursday. These readings were interesting. All of them are forms of the user experience research. Knowing the difference between them was impressive. As User Journey Maps is a visual representation of the experience (that includes feelings, action and others) of the user when using the product whereas Storyboards are visual narrative (story) and Image Boards is a collection of photos that describe the targeted aesthetic.

On Thursday , we discussed the reading and the differences between each visual representation. Then within our group we decided to create a storyboard and mood board to represent our user’s problem. We created three storyboards (one for the general member problem; one for the executive member problem and one for our potential solution). We thought this way is the best to present our user’s problem as the panels will present the story of our user group. Then we started describing and writing the problem; the values of the user group and our potential solution. We outlined our Problem Definition paper.

On Friday, we presented our problem and the potential solution. We got some of the feedback that we need to add in our Problem Definition. Our group was happy as we think we have a solid solution that we could build on. In this stage, we are done with all the research phase. We are left with the interesting part (creating the prototype). I feel the next part of this project (personally) is the fun part as we are creating something. I want to create something solid that I could put in my portfolio.

Additionally on Friday, I attended the guest speaker “Jake Fleischer” from BlinkUX. I was curious to know how companies pick candidates for jobs. It was a good opportunity to see what makes a good resume and a good portfolio. However, I feel it’s important for us (the juniors) to have a review workshop for our resumes and portfolio. As I really don’t know what to have in my portfolio. I know it’s important to focus on seniors as they are going to graduate but many of our class are looking for an internship and we are having a hard time getting one. From the guest speaker, I figured out that I have to rewrite my resume. It was my first time knowing that my resume has to be designed as my resume is the normal formal resume. I thought the look is not important as the work is important. However, I feel we don’t have enough guidelines. I like my first quarter of IMD (IMD 351) as we were required to create a portfolio and add our work. I wish we did this in every IMD class.

To sum-up this week, it was difficult for me as I had to go all of the above while having to study for my midterm (CSS). Moreover, knowing that my professor will not teach us next year was really sad. I really enjoyed taking classes with Dr.Fox as he knows a lot. I feel I learn more in his classes (more than the others). We are creating stuff that is related to design. I started thinking about who is going to teach us next year as two of my best professors are going to transfer to other universities. I don’t know if my classmates are worried about this. I am an international student I want to learn more and take classes that will help me in my future work as I am going back to my home country. I hope next year we will have classes that we could build and design stuff.

The best thing I like about this week is the guest speaker!.

