Interactive Prototype- Delta Sigma PI



In the spring quarter 2016, I worked in a team of four designers in order to create a convincing prototype.  We had to identify a user group to work with and to produce an interactive prototype of an app. This app would solve a problem within our user group. We  conducted a different form of User experience research (cultural probe kits, survey interviews, and questionnaires) in order to identify the problem. Our user group is Delta Sigma PI . Additionally, Delta Sigma Pi is claimed as a professional business fraternity which also can be considered as student organized association via UW Bothell.


  • Design Charette&Affinity Diagram
  • Cultural Probes
  • Semi Structured Interviews
  • Questionnaire/Survey
  • Storyboard
  • Paper Prototype
  • Interactive Prototype



 Proto io,Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and google forms.


User Experience Research, ideation, UX / UI concept development and interview stakeholders


  • Utilize new media art and design concepts as a means of exploration, research,and representation of views and ideas
  • Conduct research methods of human-centered design
  • Prototype interactive media
  • Collaborate effectively and productively with diverse teams.

PROBLEM & process 

Throughout the spring quarter, we have carried out an extensive research regarding the organization, Delta Sigma Pi. Within our research, we have conducted various design exercises consisted of cultural probe kits, survey interviews, and questionnaire. More importantly, through our analyses of these exercises, we were finally able to narrow down multiple design problems such as confusion in certain role responsibilities, and miscommunication.

Both members seek for better involvement. We also asked how and DSP is important, and both general and executive say the brotherhood and relationship. One of the member in the survey stated that, “Relationships is crucial within any organization”.

The executive members tend to miscommunicate with the general members regarding the meetings, events and workshops. On the other hand, general members were not receiving updates about the events or other important information on time. We also saw that the officers are working hard to make all members attend the meetings as the national bylaws states that, “Members have to make up to 50% of the meetings.” Exec member's job is to track members and make sure that everyone makes it to the meetings. This seems to be hard to maintain as many members are not attending the meetings. Most of the DSP uses Facebook as a communication tool within the organization but, they always face problems with it as not all of the group sees or receive the announcement. This problem affects their team operations & efficiency as the executive don't see commitment from the general members whereas general member claimed that they are involved as they all want more social events.

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MISCOMMUNICATION lead to inconsistent expectations

  • General members missing out on meetings due to schedule conflict; wanting more social event
  • Executive's desire more involvement from their members

Affect team operations & efficiency

  • General members miss out on important information
  • Executives have no better way to check up on their overall performance
  • Executives settling with what they have


To start our user research, we as a group created and designed a cultural probe kit to  gain a true understanding of the group’s culture, behaviours and attitudes. We carefully selected the items that we thought are interesting and enjoyable and at the same time meaningful. Each item in our culture pop kit has instructions on how to use it and what to do. We tried to make the overall design of the kit interesting in order to get a useful response from our user group.

Cultural Probe Analysis

Our team of designers, all agreed that our user group can be very diverse while portraying some commonalities. In which, all of the participants enjoys to travels (specifically to tropical places, according to their responses of ideal places to travel), and socializing with their friends and loved ones. Not to mention, they all prefer to maintain a healthy lifestyle by including workout sessions throughout their weeks. Half exhibited that they are very family-oriented while maintain a busy lifestyle.



The following posters describe our culture results. We tried to focus on insights about your user group. We created two posters

  • First poster iteration
  • Second  poster iteration


In our second phase of the user research, we went through a semi-structured interview process with Delta Sigma Pi. Our primary goal is to better our understanding of the organization by gathering as much data as possible through a set of inquiries. We wanted to learn more about the internal details within their structure such as team operations, management difficulties, and individual’s responsibilities. More importantly, in this analysis, we want to create an emphasis on the data we gathered while utilizing it, to narrow down DSP’s common values, and characteristics. Therefore, this will help us, to lead to our potential design problems.

Interview Analysis

Through this analysis, we have seen recurring themes and issues that have been coming up in the interviews. There is an issue of organizing Meetups for planning events and other activities, due to everyone’s varying schedules as well not receiving updates/notifications. The member of Delta Sigma Pi are diligent students of UW Bothell. They value commitment, professionalism, unity, and education. Most of these values are or stem from their four main pillars. From the interviews we have learned that DSP wants a more structural and visually appealing website. Along with the website an ideal feature would be the simplicity of use for inviting a wide range of users. For the people who struggle with technology. With this in mind, we are determined to help improve team operations by finding/ creating an application or any other platform which connects social networking applications (snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc.) in one.

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With this platform, it will solve the issue of members not receiving any updates in regards to DSP. With all that we have gathered, we still have a few questions we would like ask them on our future questionnaire. (Questions are below).

  • What kind of formal procedure do students have to go through in order to initiate a Delta Sigma Pi at their own school?
  • Will the platform you wanted help you in terms of planning for events?
  • What are DSP’s methods to connect with other organization, businesses, guest speakers, etc.?
  • How many members are actually active?
  • How many members aside from the executive committee attend the general meeting?


In our following research phase, we used the approach of questionnaire to further our examination of Delta Sigma Pi. The questionnaire is consisted of general questions regarding the effectiveness of the organization’s meetings, team’s communications, and the use of technology. We have separated the survey into two forms, one is dedicated to the executives while the other is aimed towards the common members. Using this strategy, our goal is to learn more about the details of their operations and communications through individual member’s opinions.

Questionnaire Analysis

According to the results, we were able to find out the commonalities as well as the different wants and/or needs between the two types of members. Both parties have expressed that Involvement and Communication are the essential qualities to look for in an organization. However, at the same time, the general members have indicated their desire for more social events to be incorporated while the executives were expecting more commitment from their members – especially coming from their own colleague officers. We also have asked how and Delta Sigma Pi is important to these members, both sides have mentioned examples of brotherhood and building connections. As one participant emphasized, “Relationship is crucial within any organization.”

Additionally, it seems that all types of DSP members want to pursue similar goals –specifically in terms of building new career connections while expanding professionalism, not to mention, the ability to create new friends and socialize among each other. According to the group’s comments, both sides have mentioned positive messages regarding each other’s experiences. Particularly, the executives have underlined their passion for Delta Sigma Pi, and how they want to support students with similar interests and goals through the means of networking opportunities. Whereas, the general members have mentioned that the fraternity have helped providing them a stimulating college experience. Some even went to express that they have established a comfortable relationship with the group while also achieving new personal growth.

As stated before, we came across the reliability in Facebook, and how it was mainly used to pass along information whether they are regular conversations, club updates, or events notifications. As a result, the use of emails and verbal communication were proved to be either ineffective or neglected. However, with the given information, our design team has made the assumption that Facebook is more accessible among the members mainly due to its popularity and user-friendly functionalities. We also noticed that this could be a possible cause of miscommunication within the organization, as complained by an executive.

Another potential problem we could draw out within these data is the executive having to settle with what they have. In relation to the ratings given the executives regarding their meeting efficiency, and what they think about the reach for their goals. The officers explicitly explained that the meetings sometime do not go as planned, however, they had to come to a bargain that this was the best approach they could work with.

With all that we have gathered within these data, we hope to design a prototype that could support accommodate both the executive and the general members’ needs. We wish for a product that could potentially help the executives find the commitment they were looking for – while also putting an emphasis on the fun factor for the general members.


We sketched our story to organize it and a list of its contents. We  had three scenarios:


From our observations, we have come up with a mobile application, or a platform dedicated to Delta Sigma Pi. This platform will track team operations, view progress on an event, and most of all, strengthen communication between general and executive members. The platform solves several club issues that DSP is facing in terms of team operations. Some being general members missing out on valuable information. Executive members do not have an effective way to check other member’s performance. Other features of the platform include member profiles and messenger. 

Paper Prototype

We created a  paper mockup of our design intervention that provides a physical approximation of our design ideas using low-fidelity sketches and wireframe.


A video of the APP / RESULTS


  • Utilize new media art and design concepts as a means of exploration, research,and representation of views and ideas
  • Conduct research methods of human-centered design
  • Prototype interactive media
  • Collaborate effectively and productively with diverse teams.