Process Blog 03

Week 3!


This week was all about defining our problem! I had difficulty coming up with a problem statement. This is because my topic "WAR" is too broad. I had to take a step back and think about the problem and why it is important. I started brainstorming and listed all the reasons why I want to focus on this topic. The impact of war is obvious and everyone knows it. It is well known that many people will be killed in the war including civilians and children.  I know that my topic is not interesting as many people try to ignore that and they don't care. I used to do the same thing, but once the war started back home, I realized we should care because the feeling?  No one wants to feel it!

Personal reasons ?

This made me think about my personal reasons and why I want to focus on war.  Personally, I haven't been in a war zone and I don't know that feeling (since the war started after coming to the US). I listed all my problems of war as you can see on the right side. I want to explore this problem as it impacts my future and career. I am feeling lost and I don't know what to do. Usually  when I share this with my family and friends back home, I realized they all have the same feeling. "Feeling lost and depressed" are the common things in the war for people Inside and outside the war zone! My original plan was to have a good education  so that I could go back home and open my own new business. Well, this was just a dream and will never happen.  

I had a lot of conversations with my professor about my problem and he suggested 2 books to read about war. I am actually planning to read them as they will help me with my problem. I was worried about how to narrow my problem down since its vague. When I shared my problem with my professor, he suggested  that I will necessarily narrow it down in the future, but if my goal is to gain a better understanding of all the damaging aspects of war, why limit myself now? Limit myself later. I think by doing the research I will have a better understanding of my problem. An inspirational statement from my professor about research and design: 

"It’s the nature of research, and design, we refine as we make, because as we make, we learn about what works and what doesn’t, we care about, and what helps us make meaning" Dr.Fox. 

His statement made me think about the importance of Design Through Research and how it will help me understand my problem! 

The reading for this week was not that helpful in defining our problem. Well, I like the one about "Feminist HCI" since it shows the importance of the role of women in HCI. Also, the reading "Challenge the Status Quo" Do things differently. Doing things differently doesn't mean doing them better. 

The next steps for me in the next week is to conduct research and try to find out a more specific problem. Also, start reading related subject  about war!